Start your own parenting classes with this proven top rated professional training program that lets you become a nationally recognized Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor!

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Breakthrough Parenting Academy, Inc.
8050 N Palm Ave
Suite 300
Fresno, CA 93711-5510
Phone: 559-795-5600


Experienced family professionals across the country have referred to this as the most comprehensive and up-to-date parenting instructor program available today.

Many of them tried numerous older programs, but found that the parents in their classes were often asking them questions that were not covered in the materials, or that the materials only covered a certain age group, etc.

So they took yet another certification from yet another parenting program, and found that this was incomplete, too. Then they tried assembling pieces from different programs.

This often confused the parents, and they still had unanswered questions.

Finally, after trying Breakthrough Parenting, they found that it had all the pieces they needed, and all the parents' questions were covered by the high quality materials that gave a real understanding and taught actual skills, not just memorized answers in the form of "tips" for narrow situations.

Our Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor training program gives you the training as well as the practical knowledge you need to run your own classes and to do one-on-one coaching of parents.

No material from the 1970s.
No outdated psychological concepts. No manipulative methods that absolutely do not work with today's kids. Just practical methods that are proven to work in today's families.

We developed the nationally and internationally recognized Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor program with Dr. Jayne A. Major (Ph.D. UCLA) based on her 25 years of real-life experience with helping more than 15,000 families, and feedback from instructors across the U.S. working with very different populations..

More than 70% of the enrollments for this Certification Program are referrals from those who took the training before. Many government agencies (DCFS, DSS, etc.) and non-profit agencies (see below for examples) send additional staff every few months, because they are so satisfied with the results.

We spent more than 30,000 hours on making the materials as clear, fun, and effective as possible.

If you're an experienced family professional, you have seen how the many parents who used old authoritarian parenting methods created a cycle of violence. The children learned that "or else!" was the only way to run a family, and when they grew up, they passed this on to their own children.

Many younger parents recognized the problems with this, but unfortunately they switched to permissive parenting methods that made everybody very frustrated with their children's lack of self-discipline. Even the children were frustrated(!), because they did not get any guidance. This is a huge problem today and we are all worse off because of it.

We offer new methods for parenting that are based on up-to-date psychological research. Our methods show parents how to raise self-disciplined, communicative children who are good problem solvers, with enough self-esteem and trust in what they are taught so that they can resist inappropriate influences from their friends in school and elsewhere, even social sites such as which are a very scary phenomenon for many parents.

These methods are presented in the Breakthrough Parenting program with numerous real-life examples that show parents how to handle virtually any family situation, based on giving parents a real understanding of how children think and function. All examples used are from real Breakthrough Parenting families, and nothing is made up. There is no "wishful thinking," because that doesn't help anybody.

With this instructor training, you can give parents a real understanding of the underlying causes of their children's behavior.

You can teach them how to improve their communication skills, and give them effective interventions for the most stressful family challenges today.

You will be able to cover all age groups, literally "from birth to 100."

Why this large span? Because it is never too early to start, and nobody ever truly grows up (almost everybody knows at least one person who is in his or her 50s, 60s, or even 70s, but emotionally functions like a teenager).

Breakthrough Parenting does not teach manipulative techniques. Why not? Stressed parents may even ask for them at times... Simply because, as many parents have already found, sneaky techniques don't work well with today's children. Especially today's teens and tweens (10-12 years olds) are very quick at recognizing anything sneaky, and the other age groups aren't far behind.


We have heard from many parents in other parenting programs, saying that they went home to try the techniques they learned, only to hear their children yell, "Now you're doing that parenting thing again!" That was not only embarrassing, it was a complete waste of everybody's time, and it was caused by the use of obsolete practices from the 1970s.


We think that what has been missing for a long time in parenting instructor training is a comprehensive understanding of how children think and function, how to develop their natural potential, how to keep them out of trouble to the greatest extent possible, and a method for how to teach this to regular parents at all educational levels, simultaneously, in the same parenting class, without anyone getting bored!


The following are the key parts of the Breakthrough Parenting curriculum:


1. Three Approaches to Raising Childrenunderstand how the traditional authoritarian and permissive parenting approaches work, and a more evolved approach, based on recent psychological research, that leads to superior child development and less stress for the parents.

2. Making the Shifthow to raise children to become inner-directed, prevent the victim syndrome, teach children to take age-appropriate responsibility, reduce polarized thinking, use positive thinking in a way that works, learn how to influence children, how to set personal boundaries, understanding the cycle of change.

3. Understanding the Source of Behavior � understand what creates different behaviors and their underlying thoughts, feelings, and needs.

4. Teaching Responsibilitytruly understand what responsibility is, teach children with the R=TLC method, learn six steps towards for solving any family problem to ensure the problem stays solved, and how to set up effective study habits

5. Helping Children Build Healthy Self-Esteem � understand destructive and constructive labels, use the CTBG method, understand how mistakes can be very valuable

6. Communicating Effectivelyavoid getting outsmarted by the kids, handle disciplinary situations with far less stress, use the receptive listening formula to get children to communicate with their parents, build trust with teenagers, avoid the "accusatory you," help children communicate better with their teachers.

7. Practicing Role Playing � help children and parents remove mental blocks when facing each other in difficult situations, even when seemingly "impossibly stuck."

8. Influencing Children Positively � understand how children learn, use all four effective leadership styles for parents, teach children the self-discipline skills they need for school work.

9. Problems with Punishment � understand the practical outcome of verbal and physical punishment, the differences between discipline and punishment.

10. Discipline with Love � learn how to make agreements clear to children, how to address the behavior rather than the person, use natural consequences for self-discipline that can last a lifetime, learn how to plan ahead in family activities to prevent predictable problems, stopping temper tantrums at any age.

11. How Children Think � understand the role of play as an important part of children's learning, develop a child's multi-faceted mind based on his or her individual strengths.

12 . Learning to Love � how to support emotional development effectively from birth to full adulthood.

13. Reducing Stress in the Family � how to truly accept children as the unique individuals they are, understand the often hidden needs of every human.

14. Resolving Family Conflictshow to identify conflicts, choose among four powerful and effective conflict resolution strategies, build closeness amidst chaos.

15. Talking about Sensitive Subjectsprepare children for the adult world, understand how teenagers think, communicate life-threatening issues for teens.

16 . Living a Self-Actualized Lifeset family goals that helps everyone evolve, teach children how to live a conscious life with less conflict and more enjoyment, understand the specific consequences of life-altering choices.

This training is based on our 25 years of real life experience teaching this to a variety of parent populations.

We designed the curriculum for continuous enrollment, so parents can start anytime without having to wait for the next series to start. Instructors also teach parents how to immediately start using in their families what they learn each week in class. After completion of all classes, they have not just "heard about it," but they have actually tried it in their own families.


The highly developed and carefully tested curriculum can be naturally adapted to varied populations, and we give you all the administrative materials needed for your classes, including Progress and Completion Letters for court-ordered divorce parents.


Some family court judges now specify in court orders for parents that they "...must take parenting classes such as Breakthrough Parenting."   

Why are they so specific? Because judges have seen the huge benefit of these classes for both parents and children.


Many agencies are now requiring Breakthrough Parenting Instructor Certification as a condition of employment, because of the superior results they have had with their CBPI-certified staff.


The Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor credentials, including the Gold Certificate are issued on successful completion of the workbook and a written post-test with minimum 70% correct answers. Our credentials are recognized and highly respected nationwide.


The Breakthrough Parenting curriculum is widely considered to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date parenting curriculum available today, covering all age groups and educational levels.

As a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, you will be able to quickly answer questions from parents in your classes or during home visits, especially with help from the unique materials we give to instructors in this training program.


The most important aspect of this program is that it is focused on ensuring real understanding, not just "book knowledge."

Instructors help parents apply the teachings in their families very quickly, with extra help from the provided numerous real-life examples that all come from past parents in Breakthrough Parenting classes.

"Breakthrough Parenting is the best parenting program available today. It is a brilliant, comprehensive approach that goes beyond the teaching of techniques."

~Sally Hackman, Ph.D., CBPI, Child Psychologist, Santa Monica, CA


A few of our clients nationwide: 
A+ Visitation & Family Services
Agua Caliente Tribal Family Services
Alcoholism Center for Women
All People's Christian Center
AltaMed Youth Services
American Drug Recovery Program
Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council
Archdiocese of New Orleans
Asia Pacific Health Care Venture
Asian American Drug Abuse Program
Atlanta Center for Counseling and Development
Bellflower Unified School District
Breckinridge County Board of Education
Calvary Chapel of Downey
Center for Human Services
Centinela Youth Services
Child Alliance
Child Care Resource Center
Child & Family Guidance Center
Child & Family Resources
Children's Center of Antelope Valley
Children's Home Society
Children's Hospital
Children's Institute International
Circle of Help Foundation
Clare Foundation
College Community Services
Community Care at Home
Community Hospital of San Bernardino
Contra Violencia
Copiah County Crossroads Project
County of Orange Behavioral Health
Crespi Carmelite High School
Dale County Court Service Program
Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center
Diocese of Orange
Domestic Violence Outreach
Door of Hope Community Center
Drew Child Development Corporation
Early Learning Coalition of Lake County
Easter Seals Disability Services
Eastern Oklahoma Youth Services
ECS Nightengale Manor
Eisner Pediatric & Family Medical Center
El Centro de Ayuda
Esperanza Community Housing Corporation
Equal Chance Child & Family Services
Exchange Club Family Support Center
Family Preservation Agency
Family Resources Northwest
Family Services of Santa Monica
Foster Youth Services
Foundation for Early Childhood Education
Ft. Mojave Behavioral Health
Gateways Hospital & Mental Health Center
Girls' Club of Los Angeles
Great Beginnings for Black Babies
Hands Talk Too (for the deaf)
Haven of Grace Family Center
Healing Hearts Ministry
Helpers for the Homeless and Hungry
High Desert Recovery Services
Hollygrove Foster Family Agency
Homeless Outreach Program
House of Hope, Inc.
Human Services Association
Independent Hands Group, Inc.
Inglewood Coalition for Drug and Violence Prevention
Institute for Black Parenting
JAHI Family Services
Jenesse Center, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Kedren Community Health Center
Kedren Mental Hospital
Los Angeles County Department of Social Services
Los Angeles County Department of Children & Family Services
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (20 CBPIs in the jail system)
Los Angeles Unified School District
La Ca�ada Presbyterian Church
Lake County School Readiness Coalition
Lighthouse Mission
Los Angeles House of Ruth
Managed Health Network
Mary Lind Foundation/Rena-B
Mediation Services, Inc.
Mid Valley Recovery Services, Inc.
Montebello Unified School District
MELA Counseling Services Center
Mt. Carmel Youth Ranch
National Advocacy on Addiction
Neighborhood Family Center
New Economics LO for Women
Ni�os Latinos Unidos
Notre Dame Academy Girls High School
Now & Forever Foundation
One Church One Child of Los Angeles, Inc.
Open Paths Conseling Center
Osceola County Department of Corrections
Outreach Concerns, Inc.
Pacific Palisades High School
Palmdale School District Headstart Program
Paramount Unified School District
Penny Lane Mental Health
Pasadena Mediation
Personal Involvement Center, Inc.
Perspectives in Mental Health
Plaza Family Support Center
Project Nateen
Project Peacemakers
Queens Care
Reseda Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Rowland Unified School District
San Bernardino Health Information & Education Center
San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center
Shields for Families
South Lake Tahoe Women's Center
Soledad Enrichment Action
Southern California Foster Family Agency
St. Anne's Church & Shrine
St. Augustine School
St. Mary's Medical Center
St. Vincent Medical Center
Starview Community Services
Step Family Association of America
Stop The Violence Foundation
UCLA Medical Center
Union Rescue Mission
United American Indian Center
United American Indian Involvement, Inc.
Urban Education Partnership
The Help Group
Total Family Support Center
Triangle Christian Services, Inc.
Triangle Family Preservation Network
Walden House, Inc.
Valley Trauma Center/Family Systems Services
Westside Children's Center
White Dove Counseling Center
Woodcraft Rangers
Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Inc.
Youthful Warriors in Christ
YWCA Glendale



Most parenting programs teach you how to deal with your kids,
but Breakthrough Parenting teaches you how to be with your kids.

~Lois Soncrant, CBPI, Children's Home Society

For many parents, these classes become a second family

    Parents frequently come back to the classes for help as their children grow and they meet new challenges. For many, the classes become a second family. Some parents have come for more than 100 classes! 

Breakthrough Parenting is the most powerful personal development course I have ever worked with. It opened numerous doors to healing for our clients.
~Mary Case, CBPI, Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council, CA


 This training gives you:

  • The most comprehensive and up-to-date program available today
    A proven curriculum that is easily adaptable for any parent group

  • Very high quality support materials in English and Spanish
    Books, professionally designed illustrations for handouts, optional large format classroom charts

  • Administrative materials for your parenting classes
    All administrative materials for keeping track with minimal effort

  • Everything you need for working with court-ordered parents
    Completion Letter, Progress Letter, Certificates

  • A nationally recognized Certificate that shows your Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor credentials

  • Expert help for your advanced parenting questions
    We are glad to help anytime, based on our long practical experience with many different populations

  • A personal web page for your classes at no charge, so today's web-surfing parents can find your classes quickly. We set up a web page for you with your class details and contact information, and we host it for free, and update it anytime at no charge

 Your Teacher's Kit Includes:

  • Comprehensive Teacher's Guide with clearly detailed lesson plans and full instructions for how to be successful with different parent populations, including those with special needs, sources for referrals to you and your classes or coaching, even everything you need to make a good living with this as a private Parent Coach, and much more.

  • A full ready-to-go system including all practical administrative materials such as professionally designed Registration Forms, Sign-In Forms, Parent Certificates of Completion, Payment Receipts, Class Location Signs, a Ledger for recording student attendance and payments, and much more

  • A world-famous textbook that is often referred to as a "a page-turner"

  • A unique workbook that greatly speeds up the learning

  • Promotional materials with Sample Class Flyers, Stationery, Bulletin Board Note with contact information tear-offs, Sample Fax Cover Sheets, and much more.

The following are just some of our most successful instructors:

  • LMFTs (Marriage and Family Therapists)
  • LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Workers)
  • Domestic Violence Workers
  • Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Professionals
  • School Teachers
  • Day Care Providers
  • Family Ministry Staff
  • Personal Coaches
  • Nurses
  • Human Resource Professionals

How can I become a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor?

We have been offering Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor training since October 1998.  Over the 25 years we have been offering this training, more than 70% of attendees have come by recommendation from previous graduates.

This is a very focused, very high quality training that teaches real skills, how to teach those skills, and how to make your classes or private coaching with parents as efficient as possible. Those who want to set up their own program from scratch get all materials and the knowledge they need to get referrals and making it a business.


Satisfied graduates at a Live Certification training in Los Angeles.

Our live parenting instructor training is now only offered ONLINE in an INTERACTIVE ENGAGING FORMAT.

1. We use Zoom so you can attend on a PC, Mac, iPad or other tablet, or even a mobile phone.

2. Some advance preparation before the training is required. This is done with very clear materials we send you before the training.

3. The live training takes place 8:30 am - 4:30 pm PST Thursday - Friday.

4. We accept only 16 attendees each time. This allows us to have enough time for questions from attendees.

5. The instructor training is conducted in English, but we often have attendees who are going to teach their parenting classes in Spanish. All parenting class materials for use by instructors after graduation are available in both English and Spanish.

6. Certification to become a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor is based on passing a written exam with a minimum of 70% correct answers and satisfactory completion of the 75-page Breakthrough Parenting workbook. The exam uses fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice questions, and if you miss it the first time, you are allowed to retake it at no charge. The unique Workbook is what creates the Breakthroughs of going from "knowledge" (memorized information) to "understanding" (what something means in specific personal family situations) to "skills" (being able to actually use it at home even when underslept and overstressed).

7. The rate for tuition, all materials, examination, and full post-graduation support is only $995.00.

You can also spread out your tuition, and pay as little as $365.00 per month.

8. The materials you receive include:

a) Breakthrough Parenting Teacher's Guide with step-by-step lesson plans for how to best teach the Breakthrough Parenting curriculum to different populations, materials for court-referred parents, all administrative materials necessary to make your work far easier (these are based on 25 years of practical experience!), clear instructions for quickly handling all kinds of practical problems that can occur in parent groups,and illustrated handouts (proven to capture even the most stressed parents' attention!) that may be freely copied.

There is a substantial and up-to-date section that tells you what you need to know about starting up and running private parenting classes and/or parent coaching as a business, including how to get free or very low cost venues to hold your classes, how to get no-cost referrals to your classes from different sources, and much more (if you can get 10-15 parents together, you may be able to earn as much as $2,000-$2,500 per month in urban areas for one evening class per week, or twice that with two classes, while parent coaching can pay $75-$300 per one-on-one session),

b) Breakthrough Parenting Textbook. This gives parents knowledge and depth of understanding, and is full of very helpful real life examples that come from parents in past Breakthrough Parenting classes (only the names have been changed),

c) Breakthrough Parenting Workbook. This is what creates "the breakthroughs." Parents in your classes use it to quickly figure out how to use what you teach them each week in their own unique family situation (every family is different, with different problems and different personalities).

All-in-all, we have put more than 30,000 hours of work into these materials to make them as clear as possible. (All parent materials are also available in a high quality Spanish translation that has been tested with parent populations from most Latin American countries as well as with Latino parents across the U.S.)

9. Post Graduation Support: After your graduation as a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, if you are setting up private classes or coaching, we offer you a personalized web page at no charge. You let us know what services you are offering parents (classes, coaching, etc.), where you are offering them, and how you want to be contacted. We show you how to set up your web page in such a way that you show up in the top search engines in typically 24-72 hours.

Having your own web page allows you to post information about your classes and/or your parent coaching so parents can find you, and you have a solid reference when you contact institutions such as schools, PTAs, social agencies, etc.

We also help you with flyers that make it easier for you to get free referrals.

10. Our unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: If you don't think this is an outstanding program for any reason (at the end of attending the live training days!), just return your materials to the instructor and receive a 100% refund.

We are glad to be able to say that since we began offering this Satisfaction Guarantee more than 10 years ago, not one parenting instructor has ever taken us up on it. You can be sure that we are continuing to work hard to keep the satisfaction at 100% also going forward.

Several highly experienced graduates have told us that this instructor training was life-changing. They thought it was "better than any other parenting programs they had ever taken, even better than any combination of them."

The 30,000+ hours of work we put into developing the course materials help us guarantee that this is the most solid and most comprehensive parenting instructor program available today.

We get more than 70% of new enrollments through past attendees, which means no advertising costs added to the tuition fees.

Only 16 attendees are accepted to this training, to make sure there is enough time for everyone to ask questions.

Agencies often sign up 5-10 staff at a time, so don't delay your enrollment; this training often fills up a month before start.

If you need to submit an agency check request for your enrollment, the link below supports this and gives you the paperwork to enclose (just specify "check by mail"). Please note that in order to prevent no-shows we can only give final confirmation of seats on receipt of payment, but we can do a short hold if you inform us that payment is in the works.

Click a link below to enroll in the next LIVE ONLINE WEEKEND TRAINING, Thursday & Friday, March 27-28, 2025 [8:30 am - 4:30 pm U.S Pacific Time both days with lunch 12:00 n - 1:00 pm and short bio breaks in the morning and afternoon]

Click here for 1 payment of $995.00 per attendee
Click here for 2 monthly payments of $525.00 per attendee
Click here for 3 monthly payments of $365.00 per attendee)

We accept written Purchase Orders from Federal, State, County, and City level government agencies, as well as from large established agencies on approval. These can be sent by email to us at, but since seats are limited, it is very important that you connect with us early in the process.

We can also provide pro forma invoices on request.


I believe it is the best parenting program available today. It is a brilliant, comprehensive approach that goes beyond the teaching of techniques and provides a clear understanding of child rearing/psychology and human relationships.

~Sally Hackman, Ph.D., MFT, Santa Monica, CA